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Article Image by Maj Danny Sjursen

This article originally appeared at TruthDig. My Spotify workout playlist is a time warp. Growing up in a blue-collar neighborhood of New York City in the 1990s and early 2000s, listening to popular East Coast hip-hop was practically required.

Article Image, By Philip Giraldi

Many Americans might consider it decidedly odd that the recent impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump also featured constant vilification of President Vladimir Putin, to such an extent that one might have though that the Russian leader was

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Netanyahu - Hard evidence collected by Israeli AG Mendleblit proves Netanyahu guilt of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, serious civil offenses -- his high crimes of war, against humanity, and slow-motion genocide against long-suffering Palestinia

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It reveals the gross double standard and hypocrisy of many of those who preach tolerance and sensitivity towards minorities and then are silent about the anti-Semitism of elites and of the likes of Al Sharpton, or worse, give him a public platform.

Home Grown Food