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Economy - Economics USA

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Why This Market Meltdown Isn't a Repeat of 2008 ... The end isn't nigh ... The U.S. economy and financial system are in a very different place. Notably, debt ratios within the U.S. aren't nearly as high outside the government.

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Following an epic stock rout to start the year, one which has wiped out trillions in market capitalization, it has rapidly become a consensus view (even by staunch Fed supporters such as the Nikkei Times) that the Fed committed a gross policy mistake

Article Image, Tyler Durden

As we've been warning for quite a while (too long for my taste): the world's grand experiment with debt has come to an end. And it's now unraveling.

Article Image, By Bionic Mosquito

Matthew 7: 15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them.