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Economy - Economics USA

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On February 16th, The Washington Post printed the article, "It's time to kill the $100 bill." This came on the heels of a CNNMoney item, the day before, entitled "Death of the 500 euro bill getting closer."

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Todays "Chart of the Day" from The Economist makes an attempt to show that gold isn't doing any better when it comes to preserving buying power than currencies such as the Swiss Franc (CHF) or the Japanese Yen (JPY). Roy Sebag, co-founder of Bi

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In his latest must read presentation, Citigroup's Matt King continues to expose and mock the increasing helplessness and cluelessness of central bankers, something this website has done since 2009 knowing full well how it all ends (incidentally not i

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By now, regular readers are familiar with the eight-year, bubble-and-crash cycles in our markets and economies which are manufactured by the crime syndicate known as "the One Bank." The reason the cycles are roughly eight years long has also been

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By now, regular readers are familiar with the eight-year, bubble-and-crash cycles in our markets and economies which are manufactured by the crime syndicate known as "the One Bank." The reason the cycles are roughly eight years long has also been

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Retail sales in Canada fell 2.2% in December from November on a seasonally adjusted basis, but not adjusted for inflation, to C$43.2 billion … But just because retail demand is crummy doesn't mean that retail prices can't power higher.

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Operating under the mistaken belief that a modest dose of inflation is either a prerequisite for, or a by-product of, economic growth, the nation's top economists have been assuring us for quite some time that inflation will stay very low until the

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Quietly as an aside in a speech, the Head of the Bank of Japan, Haruhiko Kuroda, confessed that QE has little if any impact on GDP growth. I touched upon this issue previously, but I want to reiterate it here because it is absolutely ASTOUNDING.

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