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Economy - Economics USA

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The U.S. is heading straight for a fiscal calamity in the next decade. Even if you believe the CBO's Rosy Scenario projections-----which assume that we will go 207 months thru 2026 without a recession or double the longest expansion on record and

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Gilbert K. Chesterton said that "The golden age only comes to men when they have forgotten gold." The statement suggests two things (1) Men have a tendency to leave gold to try paper experiments, and (2) Gold, for thousands of years, has always m

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After watching the video below, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, wrote there "is nothing more corrupt than 'democratic capitalism.' Ameri

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Every politician and economist wants to see the United States - and, I should point out, Europe, Japan, and the rest of the world - return to 3%-plus growth. Given that GDP in the first quarter turned out to be just 0.6% and that growth has sputt

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During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major presidential contender ever has to saying that America is not capable of repaying her debts in f

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How prophetic that Donald Trump, who says that he "loves debt" and is "the king of debt," wants be president of a bankrupt America. Debt is an important issue, and Ron Paul goes to work on dispelling the many myths that surround it. Check out today's