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Economy - Economics USA

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We the undersigned urge you, the presumptive Republican nominee for President, to support a rebirth of free-market capitalism in the U.S. You have said repeatedly that you want to make American great again.

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While we are waiting it might be wondered, however, whether nearly two decades of central bank financial repression have not merely destroyed honest price discovery on Wall Street. Perhaps it has actually extinguished brain function entirely among th

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Ben Bernanke is one of the most dangerous men walking the planet. In this age of central bank domination of economic life, he is surely the pied piper of monetary ruin.

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Nearly everywhere on the planet, the giant financial bubbles created by the central banks during the last two decades are fracturing. The latest examples are the crashing bank stocks in Italy and elsewhere in Europe and the sudden trading suspensions

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

We've all heard of the term "lying with statistics," and boy does the mainstream media get high honors for that practice. But today Ron Paul is going to cover "lying with government statistics". He discusses the myths that surround GDP, the misleadin