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Economy - Economics USA

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SINGAPORE: Diversification is generally considered one of the basic tenets of investing and financial planning. Owning a mix of assets, ideally with a low correlation, including, stocks, bonds, real estate and gold, for example, is Investing 101. Tha

Article Image, Tyler Durden

I still suspect there is enough bullish exuberance currently to push the Dow to 20,000 and the S&P to 2,300 by the end of the year. However, I am more concerned about what happens next.

Article Image by Jeremiah Johnson

"The People Who Have Been Orchestrating The Collapse Have Not Halted Their Agendas"

Article Image, Via Casey Daily Despatch

So, Trump has won the election. Of course anything can happen between now and his presumed inauguration on January 20. Maybe the Swamp Creatures will succeed in causing a recount in so-called Purple States that could change the number of electors in
