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Economy - Economics USA

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Nearly 92% of economists surveyed this week by the Wall Street Journal expect that our eight-year experiment with unprecedented monetary easing from the Federal Reserve will come to an end at the next Fed meeting in December.....

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Zero Hedge

"People's confidence that the consumer can somehow offset this industrial recession that we've had is really being shaken to the core with the disappointing numbers from some of these major retailers" - James Abate, CIO of Centre Funds.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

In the first of 6 Fed speaker scheduled today, St. Louis Fed's Bullard did what Fed presidents usually do: issued the usual tripe of contradictory statements.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Former US Comptroller General Dave Walker says the US debt is actually three times more than the $18 trillion we see in the media, yet the NYT's favorite economist Paul Krugman still believes the real problem is not enough spending! How much is enoug

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