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Economy - Economics USA

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Article Image, By Butler Shaffer

It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a "dismal science." But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjec

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KINGSTON, NY, 30 September 2015--The Summer of 2015 is one for the financial record books. Since the Shanghai Index began melting down in mid-June, equity markets have been battered, commodity prices plunged and currencies of resource-rich nations a

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Washington (AFP) - More than 42 million Americans are part of the independent workforce, representing a shift away from traditional jobs as more people join sectors such as the "on-demand" economy, a study showed Tuesday.

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In October 2011, things were looking bleak at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s commodities business. Revenue was down, competition was up, employee attrition was at an all-time high and new regulations were on the horizon.

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Glencore is in total free-fall across all markets today. Most worrying for systemic risk concerns is the rush into credit protection that has occurred, as counterparties attempt to hedge their exposures

Article Image, by Richard M. Ebeling

When is the price of some marketable good or service at or near zero? When either the supply of it is so plentiful that virtually any demand, no matter how great, can be satisfied. Or when no matter how large or small the supply of it may be, people
