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Economy - Economics USA

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Do you remember when real reporters existed? Those were the days before the Clinton regime concentrated the media into a few hands and turned the media into a Ministry of Propaganda, a tool of Big Brother. The false reality in which Americans live ex

Article Image, Tyler Durden

For the last three weeks, gold has experienced something that has never happened before - hedge funds aggregate net position has been short for the first time in history.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

I've frequently noted that Hindenburg "Omens" in their commonly presented form (NYSE new highs and new lows both greater than 2.5% of issues traded) appear so frequently that they have very little practical use, especially when they occur as si

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The Daily Bell

Financial markets help a country's economy by, among other things, providing price discovery. The share prices established by buyers and sellers give everyone else important information on the value of listed companies. Yet the information loses its