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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Just the Beginning: A "Slow Moving Trainwreck That Seems To Be Accelerating"


Investors remain spooked and gloomy about the Federal Reserve's possible rate hike, and meanwhile the real economy has been stretched to the breaking point. And nothing is getting better.

All the insiders know that the fix is in, and many in the alternative media and finance crowds have already taken notice of the many signs of decline, which even an artificially inflated bubble economy cannot hide forever. Something is headed this way, it is seemingly already happening.

This Is For The 'Nothing Is Happening' Crowd…

by Michael Snyder

A lot of people out there expected something to happen in September that did not ultimately happen.  There were all kinds of wild theories floating around, and many of them had no basis in reality whatsoever.  But without a doubt, some very important things did happen in September.  As I warned about ahead of time, we are witnessing the most significant global financial meltdown since the end of 2008.  All of the largest stock markets in the world are crashing simultaneously, and so far the amount of wealth that has been wiped out worldwide is in excess of 5 trillion dollars.  In addition to stocks, junk bonds are also crashing, and Bank of America says that it is a "slow moving trainwreck that seems to be accelerating". 

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