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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

20th Largest Bank In The World:


The Royal Bank of Scotland is telling clients that 2016 is going to be a "cataclysmic year" and that they should "sell everything".  This sounds like something that you might hear from The Economic Collapse Blog, but up until just recently you would have never expected to get this kind of message from one of the twenty largest banks on the entire planet.  Unfortunately, this is just another indication that a major global financial crisis has begun and that we are now entering a bear market.  The collective market value of companies listed on the S&P 500 has dropped by about a trillion dollars since the start of 2016, and panic is spreading like wildfire all over the globe.  And of course when the Royal Bank of Scotland comes out and openly says that "investors should be afraid" that certainly is not going to help matters.

It amazes me that the Royal Bank of Scotland is essentially saying the exact same thing that I have been saying for months.  Just like I have been telling my readers, RBS has observed that global markets "are flashing the same stress alerts as they did before the Lehman crisis in 2008″