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Hedge Fund CEO Enthusiastically Explains Why He Supports Bernie Sanders and Socialism


By Tom Cahill

(US Uncut) Andrew Weeraratne is the wealthy CEO of a company that makes millions on Wall Street. And, according to an recent interview he did with PoliticalPeopleBlog, he's also one of Bernie Sanders' biggest supporters.

Weeraratne is CEO of NGFC Equities, which describes itself as a cross between Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and the Mondragon Cooperative in Spain. NGFC is a financial securities/hedge fund company that grows its business through acquisitions and investments in the public market, but it's also a cooperative business that makes all of its employees corporate shareholders. Weeraratne made his wealth through a lifetime of entrepreneurship since age 14, and has been involved in startups in four continents along with authoring the book called Uncommon Commonsense Steps to Super Wealth.

Tweets in support of Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders pepper his Twitter account, as Weeraratne argues that the democratic socialist's rising campaign could, in fact, save capitalism rather than destroy it:

The wealthy financier is also quick to point out how the economy and the financial sector is rigged by the rich — something Bernie Sanders has repeatedly said on the campaign trail.

"Bernie Sanders, I believe, is one of the most honest politicians in the world," Weeraratne said in an interview with PoliticalPeopleBlog (PPB).

"You can expect Sanders to rise up to do the right thing for all the people. He has been consistent with his track record of helping working people, fighting to provide healthcare to all, provide safe retirement for ordinary people and stand up to the most powerful individuals who would like to take over the country only for their own benefit," Weeraratne continued.