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IPFS News Link • Politics

Time to Separate Piety and Politics

• FFF - James Bovard

Piety with a side of eggs

One of the most brazen if not most shameless "free exercise thereof" examples is the annual National Prayer Breakfast. Politicians gather to silently pray that the Lord will smite all their enemies — or at least get them indicted on multiple charges. And the common theme of comments at the event is that the political class is doing God's work.

The prayer breakfast long ago turned into the type of "market" that Jesus castigated thousands of years ago. The prayer breakfast became notorious as "an international influence-peddling bazaar, where foreign dignitaries, religious leaders, diplomats and lobbyists jockey for access to the highest reaches of American power," the New York Times reported. Maria Butina, who the media labeled as a Russian spy because she failed to register as a Russian agent, used the breakfast as a way "to establish a back channel of communication" with America's top political leaders, according to a 2018 federal indictment. Franklin Graham described the prevailing motive at prayer breakfasts in 2018: "I can tell you right now, everybody in that room has the same agenda. They're wanting to be able to rub elbows with somebody that they normally couldn't rub elbows with."