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Economy - Economics USA

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Chief executives of some banks that received federal money, including Bank of America Corp, Morgan Stanley and Regions Financial Corp, used company jets for their personal use.   Many occasions when banks receiving federal money flew their planes to destinations near resorts or executives' vacation homes in Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean, south Florida and Aspen,

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Credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's said it is unlikely to lower its rating on the U.S. government in the near-term despite noting a "significant" weakening in public finances.   S&P said in a report it will retain its top triple A rating for the U.S.'s long term debt and added that the outlook is stable. Last month, rival credit ratings agency Moody's Investors Service said the U.S. government's "AAA" rating is stable despite the country's swelling debt.

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NYSE said it had signed a deal with Depository Trust & Clearing Corp to form a joint venture for clearing U.S. fixed income derivatives.

The new clearing house, New York Portfolio Clearing, will combine the NYSE Euronext's U.S. futures exchange and DTCC's Fixed Income Clearing Corp to offer risk management, clearing and settlement efficiencies for U.S. fixed income securities and derivatives.


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Here’s yet another huge financial story that has been virtually blacked out by the US financial media. Although on the surface, this story appears to be a non-event, if we consider some of the released facts about this case, you will understand why I consider it to be a huge story. On June 8th, the Asia News reported the following story:

“Italy’s financial police (Guardia italiana di Finanza) has seized US bonds worth US 134.5 billion from two Japanese nationals at Chiasso (40 km from Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland. They include 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth US$ 500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth a billion dollars each. Italian authorities have not yet determined whether they are real or fake, but if they are real the attempt to take them into Switzerland would be the largest financial smuggling operation in history; if they are fake, the matter would be even more mind-boggling becaus

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 The actions reflect our belief that operating conditions for the industry will become less favorable than they were in the past, characterized by greater volatility in financial markets during credit cycles...

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Washington Post

Rising long-term interest rates are making it more expensive for home buyers, corporations and the U.S. government to borrow money, threatening to further stifle an already weak economy.
In just the past two weeks, the rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage has risen to 5.6 percent from 4.9 percent, ending a boom in refinancing and working against a budding recovery in the housing market. Rates on corporate borrowing

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Washington Post

“To set the record straight there has been no official announcement relating to any potential investors but rest assured our negotiations are on track and we expect to have a new ownership structure finalized in the early summer,” Saab said. “Until then enjoy the increased speculation in the knowledge that the next chapter in Saab Automobile’s history is just around the corner.”

"GM is currently in negotiations with potential investors, these are private talks and we will not comment any further," wrot

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Hartford Financial Services Group Inc said it will take as much as $3.4 billion of federal bailout money and sell up to $750 million of common stock to bolster capital after large losses on investments.

The 199-year-old life and property insurer announced its plans after saying Chairman and Chief Executive Ramani Ayer will retire by the end of the year.


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The US consumer is losing a large portion of his net worth and creditworthiness through no fault of his own. And who do you think the average American housewife is going to be blaming for this attack on their home? They are already beginning to wonder who the hell they elected. And somehow, a paean to socialist policies rings pretty hollow when one checks the size of your monthly unemployment payout.

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If, and I do say IF, you could make a difference in America, would you spend a dollar? The reality is most Americans, ya I am talking to you!, do not understand politics and the very large value of YOU being willing to spend a dollar a we