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Economy - Economics USA

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James Madison

The total collapse of the economy is eminent. All those who know enough to open their eyes agree. The question that needs answered is, "is there a FIX?". Can anything feasable be done that will not disrupt society totally? Current proposals

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I am writting as I have to other websites and newspapers in regards what to do about helping those in foreclosure or getting all those out of debt. It is time to stop sending OUR Money to the Banks and others as stimulous money and give US OUR MONEY.

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Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe: Interview with Ron Paul. Joe is talking about his new book, “The Last Best Hope”. And how Joe is “STUNNED” about a warning Ron Paul had made in Banking committee so he reprinted it in its entirety. “The special p

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You, after reading that statement may think that I am some kind of nut. After you've paid your house payment, car payment, credit card, food, gas plus every other bill and have a lot of month left, may not agree with that state

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The storms are not abating. Nor are they changing direction. Quite the contrary, what you see today is, at best, merely a deceptive calm before the next, even larger tempests. For investors who follow Wall Street, it could be fatal.