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Economy - Economics USA

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Meredith Whitney is quite worried about regional banks, saying they may struggle to pass government stress tests because of their commercial real estate investment. But it's not just regional banks she's concerned about. "I am staying aw

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In 1919 a German citizen purchased a loaf of bread for 26 pfennigs. Just four years later in November, 1923 that same loaf of bread cost the German citizen 80 billion marks. In the former Yugoslavia between October, 1993 and January, 1995 the cost

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“Although perfectly legal, this move is also perfectly delusional, because some day soon these assets will be written down to their fair value, and it won’t be pretty.” Steven Roth, professor of management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

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This article reveals that need is forcing the creation of a fresh fiat currency system, and ultimately a fresh fiat credit system. That established institutions are stepping into the breach is more an indication of the need to fill the vacuum and mus

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