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Economy - Economics USA

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Just a Girl in Short Shorts

A fascinating new book by George Mason University Professor, Peter Leeson--"The Invisible Hook" (a play on Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand") demonstrates how the pirates' greedy self interest resulted in internally desirable

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Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic

With his 401(k) in ruins, our correspondent visits investment gurus, hedge fund managers, and a freakish Arizona survivalist with one question in mind: How can the ordinary investor recover?

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Explain to me where the money to buy bad loans came from. Explain who is going to pay the principal on this money. Explain who is going to pay the interest on the principal. Explain why the banks could not fail? Explain why we are told to spend a

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Financial Times

Yet Prof Johnson makes a stronger point than this. He argues that the refusal of powerful institutions to admit losses – aided and abetted by a government in thrall to the “money-changers” – may make it impossible to escape from the crisis.

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The 18th century gave us history's most momentous advance in the social sciences. I speak here of the Scottish Enlightenment, led by David Hume and Adam Smith. These thinkers were the first fully to grasp the fact that complex and productive soci

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Dalton and Brandon bravely tell our Leaders what they really think of being saddled with 50 trillion dollars worth of entitlements. Have your kid tell the world on a nationally televised commercial that "It's not their debt!" our Leader