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Technology: Software

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Article Image, Ndemic Creations

Can you stop the Insurgency? From the creator of Plague Inc. comes a unique and deeply engaging political/military strategic simulation.

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"Learn to code." It's been the mantra of the past decade, and for many creatives, a daunting or even pointless prospect. Where do you even start? And who has the time? Well, sheltering in place, and a little help from Unity--the world's most

Article Image, Christian Cawley

If you're reading this, you've probably used Linux before, and know that it works on almost any piece of hardware. Meanwhile, you've got a phone in your pocket, and you know it's versatile. So can your Android phone run Linux?

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No one knows how many of Iowa's 1,700 precinct leaders will opt to use a new smartphone app to report Democratic caucus results Monday night. But the security of that app will be the source of much scrutiny.

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Associated Press

A new mobile app was supposed to help Democratic officials quickly gather information from some 1,700 caucus sites throughout Iowa. Instead, a "coding issue" within the app is being blamed for delays that left the results unknown the morning afte

Article Image, Mass Privatel

University of New Mexico is a CIA 'Signature School' and feeds graduates to Intel agencies. Now, UNM wants to equip all firefighters in the U.S. with facial/emotion reading cameras. Would this effectively tie firefighters into a federal surveilla

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Maps #1 for travelers with search, tourist routes and navigation available offline all over the world!
