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Religion: Believers

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The Times Online

Anglican conservatives, stopping short of full schism, declared Sunday that they would defy historic lines of authority and create a new, independent-oriented power bloc within the communion led by a council of predominantly archbishops from Africa.

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[Walter making trouble again!] What changed my mind? Why am I now just as much of an obdurate atheist as I have ever been, yet, also, a friend and supporter of religion? For most, it will appear as nothing less than a logical contradiction for an ath

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The Age - Australia

A profile of a powerful, secretive fundamentalist Christian group that grew out of the Annual Prayer Breakfast started in 1953 and sponsored Bush's faith-based policies in 2001.

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Chicago Tribune via

Word that the Vatican recently had declared devout Catholics free to believe in aliens traveled at warp speed around the globe and, quite possibly, to points unknown.

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The following information was made available by Norma Grooten, an American Missionary to Kenya. I am including it in my column in Freedom’s Phoenix just as it came to me without any editing. Each one should make up their own mind as to how they will

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Save a Patriot Fellowship, one of the oldest and most successful Constitutional Educational Organizations in America, located in Westminister, Maryland, has just announced that they are planning to launch the Liberty Works Radio Network.

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Nolan Chart article

Think about it--everything we espouse as libertarians--comes down to essentially respecting the free will, the sovereignty, of the individual...of individual rights. To me, that is at the heart of what love is.

News Link • Global Reported By Christine -
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It’s called Semanta Santa, or Holy Week, celebrated in Seville, Spain, the week leading up to Easter Sunday. Their colorful robes and hoods remind one of another, less holy organization.

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Leading theology scholars examine the role of Jesus Christ in the Islamic tradition, revealing the two faiths have more in common than is generally realised. Muslims share the Christian belief in the Virgin Birth, Christ's status as the Messiah a

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Breathless warnings about religious extremists attempting to gain control of nuclear weapons may be masking the evidence that different religious extremists are attempting to gain control of different nuclear weapons.
