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Religion: Believers

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On October 25, 1989 Senator John Glenn, D-Ohio was taping a television interview following a tree-planting ceremony at the Smithsonian Institution. Suddenly, a well-dressed man walked up and punched the Senator square on the jaw.   The assailant, Michael John Breen, 31, was promptly arrested after being detained by a stunned Glenn. Breen later told authorities that in recent months he had dreams revealing future events, and that he only hit Glenn to gain attention for his revelations. Among these revelations was a vision of a massive earthquake in California which the government knew about but refused to warn residents of.   An affidavit filed in U.S. District Court said Breen told officials that he was "guided" by God to try to alert Vice President Quayle about the coming events during a visit to the Capitol.   According to police reports, Mr. Breen was charged with assaulting a member of Congress, a felony, and was held for psychiatric

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Israeli archaeologists have uncovered one of the earliest depictions of a menorah, the seven-branched candelabra that has come to symbolize Judaism, the Israel Antiquities Authority said.   The menorah was engraved in stone around 2,000 years ago and found in a synagogue recently discovered by the Sea of Galilee.

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Phoenix New Times

Before I hit you with my account of this Sunday's evening service at Tempe's Faithful Word Baptist Church -- home to Obama-death-wish preacher Steven Anderson, and his spritual follower, AR-15-toter and Obama-hater Christopher Broughton -- I should run down some significant points picked up during my post-service chats with both.

First off, despite what some analysts suggested on CNN's Rick Sanchez show this Friday, August 28, Anderson insisted to me that he had not been paid any visits by the U.S. Secret Service. Broughton specifically denied that the Secret Service or any other law enforcement agency, such as the FBI, had spoken with him. However, both men stated that Broughton, who's now infamous for appearing with a loaded AR-15 outside where President Obama was speaking to the VFW on August 17, was present at Pastor Anderson's service the night before, for the sermon where Anderson hoped the President of the United Stat

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Associated Press

The lawsuit claims Lewis and Moakler both told Prejean not to mention God on her Miss USA application or at public events at least two months before she gave her anti-gay marriage answer.

The suit also claims Moakler and Lewis improperly revealed that Miss California USA had paid for Prejean's breast implants.

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The fate of a 17-year-old girl who ran away from her Ohio home because she says she feared punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity could be decided in an Orlando courtroom today.

An Orlando judge was scheduled to hear arguments about whether Rifqa Bary should stay in state custody in Florida or be returned to her family in Columbus, Ohio.


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You will want to ponder this one from beginning to end. See the evidence for yourself - right out of the Hebrew Dictionary and the Word of God. BARAQ=lightning in Hebrew BAMAH=the heights in Hebrew Jesus said - I saw Satan fall as lightning (Baraq) from the heavens or heights (Bamah). IT is plain and simple. Probably just a coincidence - but INDISPUTABLE as to the word associations. So - the film was created. Sorry if you are an obamamaniac or a bible ignoramous, but there it is. Just an interesting word association. The film does NOT proclaim that BHO "IS" the AC

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman
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Restoration workers have uncovered a well-preserved, long-hidden mosaic face of an angel at the former Byzantine cathedral of Haghia Sophia in Istanbul, an official said.

The seraphim figure — one of two located on the side of a dome — had been covered up along with the building's other Christian mosaics shortly after Constantinople — the former name for Istanbul — fell to the Ottomans in 1453 and the cathedral was turned into a mosque.


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Investigators are now asking for the public’s help in finding the person who threw it inside the church.Someone kicked in a glass door on the side of the building then tossed the pipe bomb inside shortly after ten Saturday night  

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       With regards to the Harvest Christian Fellowship, I would strenuously suggest that the pastor immediately divest himself of his corporate status if he no longer wishes Caesar to be his lord.  The hard cold facts are, because this group chose to incorporate, their identity is no longer that of a church under Christ, but rather a corporation under Caesar.  And that's the law, both God's and mans!  
(Publisher: Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's?... Well, I have to ask, Does Caesar think that there is anything that isn't his?)

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Pope Benedict announced fragments of bone from the first or second century had been found in a tomb in the Basilica of St Paul in Rome, which he said confirmed the belief that it housed the apostle's remains.

"This seems to confirm the unanimous and undisputed tradition that these are the mortal remains on the Apostle Paul," the pontiff said at St Paul's-Outside-the-Walls, on the eve of the Feasts of St Peter and St Paul celebrated on Monday.


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Operation Rescue

Operation Rescue has released a video from their security cameras showing the attacker who attempted to disable the security system at OR’s national headquarters yesterday. The suspect in the attack remains at large.The video shows the suspect lurking about before the incident. 
