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Religion: Believers

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As I peruse the hundreds of email letters I receive, one observation leaps out at me: in the last few years, there has been a distinct philosophical shift taking place in the reasoning of professing Christians.

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USA Today

"This is the Lord's table out here," he tells more than 100 homeless men, women and children waiting for heaping plates of hot buttered potatoes, steaming scrambled eggs, sausages and 3 slices of bread. "I'm asking you to come

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I'm a Christian. I believe this Ron Paul campaign movement, especially the groundswell on the Web, has the BEST chance of waking the sleeping dead in both the pews and the factories....and not a second too late.

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Yesterday would have been my dad's one-hundredth birthday. Edwin J. Baldwin was born on March 1, 1907. This was the same year that "The Duke" John Wayne was born. However, my father, though small in stature at only 5' 6" tall,

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By Nathan Burchfiel - Staff Writer

As archeologists question filmmaker James Cameron's claim that he has discovered the tomb of Jesus Christ and his family, Christian groups are criticizing the Discovery Channel for what they call another attack on Christianity.

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Should the words "Under God" be retained in the Pledge? Keep the people asking the questions you want them to and you don't have to answer the tough questions.

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Christian Science Monitor

To the outsider, the differences between the Sunni and Shiite Islamic sects are hard to recognize. The five pillars of Islam – daily prayer; fasting during Ramadan; alms giving; the pilgrimage to Mecca; and belief in one, unitary god – are at the

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(This Classic Essay had a strong impact on me and other activists over a decade ago. It was originally written in the summer of 1962 but is very timely for what is happening all around us today)

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The Ted Haggard debacle is certainly a blight upon the cause of Christ. Unfortunately, it was not the first such embarrassment the Body of Christ has been forced to endure. Neither will it be the last.

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by Chris Hedges (TruthDig)

Chris Hedges, the former New York Times Mideast Bureau chief warns that the radical Christian right is coming dangerously close to its goal of co-opting the country’s military and law enforcement.

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Please allow me to join your family and friends in wishing you a very blessed and Merry Christmas. Along with many others, I am praying that God will continue to shower His protection and provision upon our land.

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For the life of me, it is difficult, even exasperating, to understand how my fellow Christian ministers can excuse and condone the un-American and un-Christian actions and policies of modern politicians. What in the world is going on?

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Vatican archaeologists have unearthed a sarcophagus believed to contain the remains of the Apostle Paul that had been buried beneath Rome's second largest basilica. The sarcophagus, which dates back to at least A.D. 390, has been the subject o