IPFS Greg J Dixon

Words Eye View

More About: Religion: Believers

Liberty Works Radio Network Launched

By Greg Dixon

Save a Patriot Fellowship, one of the oldest and most successful Constitutional Educational Organizations in America, located in Westminister, Maryland, has just announced that they are planning to launch the Liberty Works Radio Network.

Funded by a group of Patriot citizens who have banded together under the umbrella of Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, Liberty Works Radio Network will inform Americans about their birthright, the Constitution, and the Christian principles upon which it was founded. The LWRN Fellowship intends to buy up radio stations and fund all-day, every-day talk-radio programming across America to spread the Truth about America’s heritage and warn of the degradation of its Constitution and the impending danger from those who wish to submerge America into a global police state. It will stand in the gap of information from both secular and

Christian sources, reporting and explaining current events that affect listeners’ individual Liberty and well-being. In short, it is a medium to inform and maintain our Constitutional  Republic.

Many unregistered churches today are shut out of Christian radio networks. In contrast, Liberty Works Radio Network opens the door for your church to spread the Truth of the

gospel. When church members join the network  for just $99 a year, 27 cents a day and the network is broadcasting over the air, your church will have an opportunity to air its own Sunday programming!

Most are aired by 501(c)(3) organizations such as Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, and Faith 2 Action. Their VOICE over Christian radio has drummed into evangelical church-goers that they should be politically involved in the culture war against the family, and many evangelicals have responded to this call.  But there are equally great, possibly even greater, moral evils against which these Christian organizations never speak.  Perhaps this is because these evils emanate from the state and federal governments to which they are tied by their corporate, 501(c)(3) status. Or perhaps they are ignorant of such evils.

Anyone interested in participating in this excellent opportunity should contact Save a Patriot Fellowship at:

P.O. Box 91  Westminister, MD  21158 (410-5444)



Dr. Greg Dixon, Pastor Emeritus

Indianapolis  Baptist  Temple and

National Director Biblical Law Center

P.O. Box 11

Indianapolis, IN  46206

March 10, 2008

Dear Friend:

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I write today because I am confident that you are as concerned about America’s dwindling freedoms as I am. And I

believe that I have discovered a VOICE for you and I to spread our knowledge of the Truth to more of America’s Christians and their countrymen. That VOICE is the Liberty Works Radio Network. It’s the best effort I’ve yet seen to join together and educate our fellow citizens to the Christian values and heritage behind America’s form of government. Please read on to learn why this is such a

vital effort, and how it will expand your ability to preach the gospel for a minimal investment on your part. America is in great distress, morally and economically. I am

sure that you sense how dire the situation is for  Christians, and indeed most Americans, today. While we have a great heritage in the Constitution and the freedoms so dearly fought for by the blood of our political and spiritual forefathers, recent years prove how rapidly those freedoms and even knowledge of why they are so precious are dimming through increasing abuses of governmental power, government-controlled schools, and a corporate-controlled media which aids or hides government abuse.

The hammer is just beginning to come down hard against Christians. Freedom of speech and property are at risk. Unless we speak up now, while we still have a voice, we may lose all of our temporal freedoms to the ungodly in government.

Let me give you just two examples of which I have personal knowledge. As you know, in the year 2000, the government stole the property of Indianapolis  Baptist  Temple, an unincorporated church, even though taxes the IRS claimed due were already paid. Since the church refused to be Caesar’s agent and withhold taxes from its lay ministers, the U.S. government seized the property, even while George W. Bush (a self-described born-again Christian) was president.  More recently, an unincorporated association that holds views about the tax laws views many have investigated and found correct, even though contrary to the IRS’ views was ordered by a judge to stop talking about the tax laws altogether or go to jail. This blatant denial of free speech was upheld by the appeals court, even though the organization, Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, has broken no laws.  If judges and courts can take the property of the righteous, and take speech out of the mouths of concerned citizens and threaten them with the loss of physical liberty for speaking...

How soon will it be before the government tells your congregation what can or can’t be said? How soon will it be before they throw you in jail for telling the Truth? How soon before they take your church’s property?  We live in evil times, and the rule of law in America is being lost. I urge you to speak up now, while there is still time and some remnant of Liberty remains! John Witherspoon, the great teacher who instructed many of the Founders, said in his famous sermon of May 1776:  The knowledge of God and his truths have from the beginning of the world been chiefly, if not entirely confined to those parts of the earth where some degree of liberty and political justice were to be seen, and great were the difficulties with which they had to struggle, from the imperfection of human society, and the unjust decisions of usurped authority. There is not a single instance in history, in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage.  How can we, as pastors, stand up for civil and religious Liberty before it is lost? One simple answer is Liberty Works Radio Network.

Funded by a group of Patriot citizens who have banded together under the umbrella of Save-A-Patriot Fellowship, Liberty Works Radio Network will inform Americans about their birthright, the Constitution, and the Christian principles upon which it was founded. The LWRN Fellowship intends to buy up radio stations and fund all-day, every-day talk-radio programming across America to spread the Truth about America’s heritage and warn of the degradation of its Constitution and the impending danger from those who wish to submerge America into a global police state. It will stand in the gap of information from both secular and

Christian sources, reporting and explaining current events that affect listeners’ individual Liberty and well-being. In short, it is a medium to inform and maintain our Constitutional Republic, and I plead with you today to come to our aid by joining as a subscribing member (as I have), and by presenting the radio plan to your congregation. (Please be aware that I personally will not profit monetarily from this project.)  It is a fact that many unregistered churches today are shut out of Christian radio networks. In contrast, Liberty Works Radio Network opens the door for your church to spread the Truth of the gospel. When church members join the network for just $99 a year, 27 cents a day and the network is broadcasting over the

air, your church will have an opportunity to air its own Sunday programming!  As you know, Christian radio today is largely run on a similar listener-supported model, conducting periodic support drives during air time. Of course, many Christian radio programs address moral evils such as abortion and the promotion of homosexuality and ungodly lifestyles in public schools. Most are aired by 501(c)(3) organizations such as Focus on the Family, the

Family Research Council, and Faith 2 Action. Their VOICE over Christian radio has drummed into evangelical church-goers that they should be politically involved in the culture war against the family, and many evangelicals have responded to this call. But there are equally great, possibly even greater, moral evils against which these Christian organizations never speak. Perhaps this is because these evils emanate from the state and federal governments to which they are tied by their corporate, 501(c)(3) status. Or perhaps they are ignorant of such evils. But how can we, as informed pastors and lay leaders of the Unregistered Baptist Fellowship, fulfill all of God’s command to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them’? (Eph. 5:11) As a peculiar people called out of conformity with this world, we must be fearless in exposing the evils of theft, usury, violence, and law-breaking done by civil government and often participated in by undiscerning Christians. These evils are pervasive in America today, and many Christians

take part in them unknowingly: the institutionalized theft of welfare, social security, and government subsidies, the theft and usury of fiat currency and inflation, the violence of denying vitamins and natural cures to people made in God’s image or genetically contaminating the food supply, to name a few.  Meanwhile, the poor and needy of this land are increasingly denied free speech and due process by its judges, their land is robbed through ‘eminent domain,’ their self-defense ripped away by ‘gun control’ laws: all of these evils must be explained and exposed. Do you believe, as I do, that it is our responsibility as Christian pastors to stand in the gap against such evil? Psalm 82, verses 3-5 says:

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.  Do you believe an antidote is needed to the toxic moral teaching of public schools? Are you concerned about the lack of media or Christian exposure of the ungodly and unjust trends in our courts, our legislatures, our schools and our police forces today? Proverbs 24:11-12 tells us what to do:  If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it?  And he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his works?  Can it be that America is perishing and being destroyed for lack of knowledge of God’s requirements for morality and justice in government? In Jeremiah 21:12, the Lord says: O house of David, thus saith the LORD; Execute judgment in the morning, and deliver him that is spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my fury go out like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. Dear pastor, I write to you today to urge you and the members of your congregation to join Liberty Works Radio Network so that we can have a powerful VOICE to shed light on the injustice and deteriorating morality of America, and to call Christians out from ignorance and obedience to ungodly government. For our churches, this network offers an open door to instruct and encourage the godly, and even all Americans, to understand and act on their heritage so that justice and temporal liberties are preserved for the sake of the gospel.  I have attached with this email an application for the LWRN Fellowship. In order to present this program to your congregation, your family and friends, I would love to send you a promotional DVD with a 23-minute introduction to the network. If you would

like to preview this introduction, please visit:


I stand ready to explain Liberty Works Radio Network to your congregation, or to send you a guest speaker to present the program and answer questions. Please reply to my email or call me today at 317-414-3478 to help me promote this wonderful opportunity! The need is urgent, the time is NOW, let’s stand together to work against forces which keep our countrymen and fellow Christians in darkness, trusting in the Lord to lead us in the way.

In Christ, Dr. Greg Dixon

P.S. The past few months have provided a clear example of the need for our OWN patriotic media. As you are likely aware, both the established secular and Christian media have largely ignored or buried the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul, a Congressman with an unfailing record of voting against unconstitutional laws and government usurpations. In spite of Dr. Paul’s Christian character and incorruptible politics, many Christian ‘leaders’ joined with the secular media to shut out his political message of Liberty.  Imagine what Liberty Works Radio Network could have done for this upstanding candidate! It is not too late to support his voice, however, and with God’s help, we will succeed.

If you would like to have my newsletter The Trumpet send me your e mail address to: drgregdixon@earthlink.net
