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Foreign Policy

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Article Image, by Jackie Northam

President Barack Obama holds a bilateral summit with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at the White House Monday. It's the first such meeting between U.S. and Japanese leaders in three years.

Article Image, By Josh Rogin

Two top Obama administration officials said today that the diplomatic initiative to end the violence in Syria, led by U.N. Special Envoy Kofi Annan, "is failing."

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Caroline Stauffer, Reuters

Connoisseurs who take chocolate as seriously as sommeliers study wine are challenging the widespread use of an inferior cocoa pushed by the U.S. government in its war against drugs in Peru, considered by many to be the birthplace of cocoa.

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I Love Oil Speculators, Charles Goyette / Menacing Propagandists for Empire and State Doug Casey on the pseudo-intellectuals / The 4th Reich? / US-Israel Stoke 'Rogue' Nuclear State As a weapon against China and Pakistan. by Eric Margolis

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In the end, the Soviets prevailed in the Cuban missile crisis. President John Kennedy backed down, pledging the US would never invade Cuba. US missiles in Italy and Turkey targeted on the USSR were removed. Moscow took its SS-4’s out of Cuba.

Article Image, by Stephen Gowans

"Sanctions,” New York Times’ reporter Rick Gladstone writes, have subjected “ordinary Iranians” to “increased deprivations” in order to “punish Iran for enriching uranium that the West suspects is a cover for developing the ability to make nuclear we

Article Image business producer, Kevin Voigt

Cost of Friday’s failed rocket launch by North Korea is estimated to be $850 million – nearly enough to feed 80% of the population of the impoverished nation for a year. . The U.S. has already stopped planned shipments of 240,000 metric tons of food

Article Image, By DARCY CROWE

A subtle revolt against U.S. antidrug policy is spreading within the top echelons of Latin American governments and promises to be on display this weekend at a hemispheric gathering at which U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with the rest of the

Article Image,by F. William Engdahl

In one of the more bizarre foreign policy announcements of a bizarre Obama Administration, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will “help” Kosovo to join NATO as well as the European Union.

Article Image, by Justin Raimondo

On a recent trip to Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid down the law: America must threaten the Iranians with war if Tehran insists on pursuing its nuclear energy program.

Article Image, by LAURA CARLSEN

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Honduras on March 6 with a double mission: to quell talk of drug legalization and reinforce the U.S.-sponsored drug war in Central America, and to bolster the presidency of Porfirio Lobo.
