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Foreign Policy

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by Glenn Greenwald (Salon)

Data obtained by Amnesty International shows that the US has repeatedly transferred ammunition to Egypt despite security forces’ violent crackdown on protesters. A shipment for the Egyptian Ministry of Interior arrived from the US

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Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States on Thursday of stirring up protests against his 12-year rule and said foreign countries were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence Russian elections.

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First, Congress should declare that we are in World War III, says Gingrich. This in turn will require a "dramatically larger budget." And what should be done with this dramatically larger budget?

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In its bid to counter Western plans for a US missile shield in Europe, Russia on Tuesday launched a state-of-the art antimissile radar with a detection range of 6,000 kilometres, close to the borders of NATO alliance members Poland and Lithuania on t

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It’s dark and foggy here today along the mighty Bosphorus that separates Europe and Asia. Just as murky and dangerous as exploding next-door Syria.

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NY Times

The accusations center on a memo that Mansoor Ijaz, an American businessman of Pakistani origin, said Mr. Haqqani asked him to have delivered to Adm. Mike Mullen, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff asking for American help in heading off

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Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain talks to the Journal Sentinel editorial board about the Obama administration's handling of Libya. (aka... 'The Implosion of the Herman Cain Campaign')

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From studying our history and realizing the failure of our foreign policy ever since I was in the service in the 1960s during the Vietnam era, I've just come to a stronger conclusion all the time that we're in too many places, we can't afford it anym

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The head of the business, Ken Cohen, was hired just six months ago to head the bank's real-estate finance and commercial mortgage-backed securities business in the United States after stints with Lehman Brothers and G2 Investment Group.

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The Air Force has been secretly flying armed Reaper drones on counterterrorism missions from a remote civilian airport in southern Ethi­o­pia as part of a rapidly expanding U.S.-led proxy war against an al-Qaeda affiliate in East Africa, U.S. militar