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Foreign Policy

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Tensions between America and Iran have yielded global concern, the deployment of thousands of US troops and bickering from foreign policy experts around the world.

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by Gareth Porter and Shah Nouri

Nearly a year after the Barack Obama administration began negotiations with the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai on a U.S. military presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014, both sides confirmed last week that the talks are still hung up over t

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Lew Rockwell blog

In a sense, the Cold War has never ended for the U.S. government. It has morphed into a strategy of countering or lessening Russia's power and influence while picking up as many pieces (countries) as possible that ring Russia. The U.S. will do the sa

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Charles Goyette of American Breaking Point and international bestselling author of ‘The Dollar Meltdown’ joins Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace for ‘Iran and India; Oil for Gold’ to discuss the impact of a direct exchange between India and Iran

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Outgoing president Ali Abdullah Saleh apologized for "any shortcoming" in his 33-year rule before leaving Yemen for the United States Sunday, paving the way for a transfer of power after a year of unrest. "God willing, I will leave for (medical) t

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The United States is restoring full diplomatic relations with Myanmar, a landmark in the Obama administration's drive to reward democratic reforms by a government the U.S. previously treated as a pariah. The decision announced Friday to exchange a

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The United States on Monday defended a draft amnesty law for Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, saying a Gulf Arab deal granted him protection from prosecution in order for him to leave power. It said the deal brokered last year by the Gulf Coop

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The covert war, which has seen increased U.S. drone activity over Iranian skies and an increase in suspicious explosions at Iranian military facilities, has been coupled with American support for destabilization efforts against all of Iran’s allies a

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