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Foreign Policy

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The Russian prime minister on Tuesday floated the idea of forming a "Eurasion Union" of former Soviet states that he says would be similar to the European Union. Putin said the goal would be to "create real conditions to change the geopolitical and g

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by Eric Margolis via

The US is now risking a military confrontation with old ally Pakistan that is both highly dangerous and unpredictable in the extreme. It’s awfully hard for the world’s greatest power to admit its high-tech military forces are being beaten in Afghanis

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For the first time ever, a country - India - is accusing a multinational company of "bio-piracy". That means stealing indigenous plants, and then trying to develop genetically modified versions of them, without giving any compensation back to the loc

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06 National Intelligence Estimate concluded that the war in Iraq increased the threat of terrorism. "Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States" points out the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in fomenting terrorist cells

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NY Times

In the Philippines this week, officials are fuming about criticism by a former American ambassador of the late Corazon C. Aquino, a national icon. Australians have learned that just two years ago American authorities were considering declaring that A