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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

Digital Journal: Ron Paul grassroot supporters release video on US foreign policy

In a long-form video released by Veterans for Ron Paul 2012, a grassroots organization operating on Facebook and elsewhere, American militarism and foreign policy in the Middle East is explored in depth.

Republican presidential candidate and former Congressman Ron Paul released a video on his campaign web site on Saturday that explores American history in the Middle East from the perspective of a militarized foreign policy agenda. Paul’s rejection of American militarism is one of his key political platforms and is likely his most striking contrast with his fellow Republican presidential contenders.

The video was produced by Veterans for Ron Paul 2012, a grass-roots coalition supporting the Libertarian-leaning candidate.

“This is a beautifully done grassroots video outlining the different aspects of Ron Paul’s foreign policy that some Republicans have trouble comprehending,” Jack Hunter, Paul’s official campaign blogger wrote. “If there is another terrorist attack it will be because America did not follow the foreign policy proposed by the Founding Fathers and Ron Paul. The reason there would even be another terrorist attack in the future would because America did not follow the foreign policy of the Founding Fathers and Ron Paul.”


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