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Foreign Policy

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Thanks to Edward Snowden, children all across America could be rejoicing at the prospect of seeing less Broccoli on their dinner plates after a tariff-free trade agreement between the United States and Ecuador on the imports of frozen broccoli, flowe

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Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen. If Americans can overcome their gullibility, their lifelong brainwashing, their propensity to believe every lie that “their” government tells them, and if Americans can escape the M

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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Washington Post

The Obama administration will start formal peace talks with the Taliban in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar, the first direct political contact between them since early last year and the initial step in what the administration hopes will lead to a neg

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Lew Rockwell blog

How did a 24-year old aspiring fiction-writer in 2002 suddenly become one of the drafters of the 9/11 Commission report but also the Iraq Study Group Report? Then Deputy National Security Advisor, from which he announced the US war on Syria

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tate John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most cer

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You’re stupid,” is not something even his most severe critics usually say to President Barack Obama. But on Friday morning I picked up the Wall Street Journal and learned that the president had given a speech about the war on terror saying,.....

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This past Thursday and Friday, President Obama delivered two speeches designed to outline his new thinking on national security and counter-terrorism. While much was made in the media of the president’s statements at the National Defense University a

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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