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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Surgeon General To Matthew McConaughey: Shut Up About Vaccines!

• Ron Paul Institute - Daniel McAdams

The top US Doc also issued a handy "tool-kit" to help stop "misleading" covid memes from spreading. Also today, Israel prepares for war...against the virus. And Europe (well most of it) sees cases rising this autumn despite mask mandates, vax mandates, vax passes, etc. How is this possible? Watch today's Liberty Report:

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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The Surgeon General has the right to say anything he wants under the 1st Amendment. Any non-government person has the right to say whatever he wants just because all people have the right to speak. If somebody speaks in such a way that harms other people, let somebody file against hi, for doing harm or damage, with the harm or damage being shown, and proof that the accused did the harm and damage. Let the Surgeon General be made to prove that the Covid virus was isolated using Koch's or Rivers' Postulates, including the notebooks of the researchers when they proved it, and the videos. If he can't or won't, or can't find the notebooks or videos, case dismissed... and maybe the Surgeon General punished for lying.