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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines

• by Ewao

In 2015, a whole new slew of flu vaccines found themselves getting approved by the Federal Drug Administration.  This isn't an uncommon practice; most flu vaccines pass inspection every year.  It's well known advice that has been passed down from doctor to patient that the flu vaccine is something that we all should get, but it has been quickly surfacing that what's in the vaccines–especially those from 2015 and after–might actually be more damaging then simply rolling the dice on getting the flu.

The ingredient that is getting the most flack is called an adjuvant.  The particular one involved is called Squalene, and it has been linked to auto-immune disease side effects.  In fact, it may have been used during chemical attacks in the Gulf War.  Symptoms include chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and neurologic damage.