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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

What Secrets do they Hold?

Fifty years after the assassination of President John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, researchers are still investigating his mysterious murder. 
Thousands of pages pertaining to the assassination are still sealed, and researchers are calling for a complete public release. 

Jefferson Morley, former Washington Post Reporter currently suing the CIA to release the data, is most interested in a file containing about 300 pages on the now-deceased CIA agent George Joannides. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Because the files contain info about the private trust that owned JFK's body - before the assassination as well as after - and because THAT trust requires by its indenture and bylaws that it remain private, we may NEVER get the details. And THEY can hide the files forever, legally, because of the private nature of the trust which states that anyone who reads it is bound by oath, and by the reading of the trust, to not disclose it.

On the other hand, since they blatantly refuse to obey their Oaths of Office, they might disobey this oath as well. But if they do, the super-wealthy, Super Elite, will send in the hitmen.