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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

US Journalist Files Restraining Order Against CIA

• Press Release ,Activist Post

The claims made in Janet Phelan's Injunction (Injunction and Exhibits 1-7 and Exhibits 8-18), which are buttressed by evidence provided to the court, include 1)claims of assault and battery via unconventional weapons, largely chemical in nature, 2) denial of medical care and 3) denial of access to the legal system. The Injunction provides evidence of a health crisis which the journalist claims is precisely caused by the weapons attacks, and includes renal failure and substantial crippling (the exact diagnosis being sensory ataxia) as effects of the weapons deployment. She also includes medical records of a recent hospitalization in Mexico City, where the assigned doctors, Julio Cesar Arriaga (nephrologist) and Javier Galnares (neurologist) failed to provide treatment or offer effective remedy for the diagnoses, instead discharging her after a month without effective treatment.

The Injunction also demonstrates extensive efforts on her part to resolve the issue with the US government via contacts and legal efforts, all of which were derailed by either law enforcement or a judge.

Phelan claims that the issue with the US government began at the onset of an outreach to her by an undercover federal agent back around the turn of the millennium and that due to his subsequent involvement in her family life, her mother ended up dead. This is laid out, with documentation, in her 2014 book, EXILE, a book which also predicted the pandemic and the current Israel conflict.

Other, essentially similar, claims have been filed in federal court, alleging that the US government is ignoring constitutional and statutory legal protections and is attempting to harm US citizens. The lawsuit by US-born reporter (formerly with CNN and Al-Jazeera) Bilal Abdul Kareem was dismissed by Judge Rosemary Collyer following protestations of "national security" by the USDOJ. Kareem had alleged that he had been put on a US kill list while covering the Syrian conflict and that the US had tried to blow him up with drones and at least one Hellfire missile.