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IPFS News Link • Police State

Law Enforcement Magazine Argues for Counterinsurgency Against Americans

In the February, 2010, issue of Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, Donald J. Mihalek argues that suspected criminals in the US should be treated the same way “insurgents” are in Iraq.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by William1950
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Law enforcement and the court systems fear more then anything a citizenship that refuses to accept their actions.  The next is a group of citizens willing to meet and train to protect themselves if their is a problem in government or natural calamity.  The reason for this is simple, if the people can vote and they also can maintain law and order even if it is against the commands of the government the courts and police are powerless.

Today each of you should be doing the following.  Understand that courts and police can not protect you, your home of family.  This is now when times are not bad.  In an emergency, national or nature, the ability of police, medical and courts fails.  Then you are on your own.

Yes, there are many books and magazines on this subject, but the truth is proper planning prevents piss poor performance, on in your terms think threw each possible problem and have on hand and in your head what you will do.

90% of the people will not know what to do or how to react.  If a problem in transportation or power lasts over two weeks nationally food will run out and people will become mobs.  How will you protect yourself and family.  Also can you deliver a baby, stitch up a cut, set a leg or have pain relief meds around.

Yes, if the problem is local, we can re-lie to some degree after three days the national military to help.  However if it is wide spread, what will you8 do to make sure you and yours are safe?  After all to day the police are between ten and an hour away, what happens when they just can't come!