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IPFS News Link • FISA

Democrats Respond to Trump's Plea to Kill Police State FISA Act

• Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts

The House Democrats, not the Republicans, Respond to Trump's Plea to Kill the Unconstitutional FISA Act, while the Republicans Vote for the Police State Measure

Paul Craig Roberts

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was passed as a result of the public hysteria that was orchestrated in response to a non-existent "Muslim terrorist threat" that was spun off of 9/11, the only claimed Muslim terrorist act in the US, an event now understood as a neoconservative operation to create "the New Pearl Harbor" necessary for their wars in the Middle East against Israel's enemies.

The FISA Act was totally unconstitutional as it vitiated the US Constitution's prohibitions against arrest and spying without warrants. The FISA Act is a police state measure and nothing else. That Americans, Congress, and the federal courts accepted it proves the absence of any commitment to freedom.

In this pre-election fundraising season we hear from Republicans how much they do for freedom and all that they are going to do to preserve it. But what do they really do?

Despite President Trump's plea to the House Republicans, a plea from the Republican Presidential Nominee and in the opinion of many Republicans the actual President of the US as his reelection was stolen with Republican Party complicity by the Democrats, the Republican Speaker of the House and all but 19 Republicans tried to keep the unconstitutional FISA Act, which expires April 19, in force by re-authorizing it.