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IPFS News Link • Philosophy of Liberty

'Going Galt' gaining on Google

• The Examiner
Google the phrase, with quotes, "Going Galt" and you'll get "about 215,000" results or so. Are libertarians witnessing the mainstreaming of John Galt? This article touches on one of the reasons why the idea of Going Galt is becoming so popular. But it needs to begin with this caveat: NOTE: This article is not for the Pollyanna "good citizenship" drones who can't tell the difference between government tax-muggers and the productive people they terrorize. Banker Bradley Birkenfeld of the Swiss bank UBS assisted US citizens who had committed the unforgivable crime of being successful. In an effort to help them keep their own money, he set up secret bank accounts as a firewall against the ravages of the voracious American IRS. (The fact that the I in IRS stands for Internal, not International, seems to be irrelevant to the criminal class that runs the American Empire.) But Birkenfeld turned snitch. His bank, succumbing to the intimidations appl