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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

10-26-12 -- Bill Buppert In Studio (MP3 & Video Loaded)

Bill Buppert (Publisher of ZeroGov.Com) talks about his new book: 'ZeroGov: Limited Government, Unicorns and Other Mythological Creatures' which is dedicated to spreading the message of the purest manifestation of freedom – the stateless society
Media Type: Audio • Time: 123 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Bill Buppert
Guests: Bill Buppert
Topics: ZeroGov.Com

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 123 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Bill Buppert
Hour 1-2-3: Bill Buppert (Publisher of ZeroGov.Com) talks about his new book: 'ZeroGov: Limited Government, Unicorns and Other Mythological Creatures' which is dedicated to spreading the message of the purest manifestation of freedom – the stateless society. In Studio...

October 26th, 2012
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 
Hour 1
Bill Buppert
In Studio
Webpage: ZeroGov.Com
“ANARCHY is the radical notion that other people are not your property.”

My site has a patron saint and his name is Lysander Spooner.  Find out more here:

My charter is unapologetic:  I wish to set my countrymen free from the physical and intellectual shackles that makes them wards of the state and beasts of burden subject to the whim of rulers whose only legitimacy is the perception by the fettered and the chained that they must submit.

My mission is simple:  I don’t want to send the right humans to DC to fix the system, I don’t want to streamline and make government more effective, I don’t want to have limited government which has the same value as wishing for unicorns, for they don’t exist in this time nor any other.  The only government I condone is self-government.  This site and its contributors wish to continue the abolitionist project of men like William Wilberforce and Lysander Spooner.  When all is said and done, government is force and the threat of force and my Rothbardian instincts tell me that ALL initiated aggression is wrong which would have the fortune of placing all government outside of one’s self off the moral reservation.  Sure, I am an anarchist but not of the black-clad, masked property destroying variety so popular with the enviruses and the collectivists who wink and nod at them.  No, I am an individualist ethical anarchist whose primary goal is the wholesale elimination of ALL slavery and involuntary servitude;  chattel, regulatory, tax and any other moniker you wish to employ.  I am an abolitionist wishing to complete the good works started by the aforementioned worthies.
ZeroGov: Limited Government, Unicorns and Other Mythological Creatures [Kindle Edition]:

2012-10-26 Hour 1 Bill Buppert (ZeroGov.Com)
(Video Archive):

Hour 2

Guests: Bill Buppert
Hour 2

Bill Buppert - Cont'd
In Studio 
Webpage: ZeroGov.Com
2012-10-26 Hour 2 Bill Buppert (ZeroGov.Com)
(Video Archive):

Hour 3

Guests: Bill Buppert
Topics: ZeroGov.Com
Hour 3
Bill Buppert - Cont'd
In Studio 
Webpage: ZeroGov.Com
2012-10-26 Hour 3 Bill Buppert (ZeroGov.Com)
(Video Archive):

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Zero Government, with regard to the way that Government is now, is a welcome and desirable topic. Because of the way that Government exists now, we need thousands of more books with millions of more readers, and tons of videos, all about zero Government.

But, there is a big problem with zero Government. And if the zero-Gov books don't factor it in, or if they don't have an answer, then zero-Gov really isn't the answer, either.

Here is the big problem. Zero Government doesn't work. Why not? Because if Zero Government worked, WE WOULD HAVE ZERO GOVERNMENT.

Historically speaking, around the world, near zero Government has worked, for tremendously large populations, for limited periods of time. Some of those large populations lived in close proximity to each other some of the time. But it NEVER remains this way. How do we know? Sumer, Babylon, Media, Persia, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc., etc..

To be sure, none of these BIG GOVERNMENTS remained the same big Government that it was when it started. And to be sure, most of these Big Governments had intermittent periods where the nations that they governed lived in near zero Government conditions. But, GOVERNMENT IS HERE TO STAY... at least as long as the earth endures.

What we are supposed to be looking at is, how do we get rid of a Big TYRANT Government that is rebelling against us? How do we replace it with the near zero, limited Government that we all desire way down deep. There is only ONE way. And many people won't like it when they figure out what that way is. But it IS going to come about.

Until we have that ideal, near zero, limited Government, and as long as we have BIG GOVERNMENT, we need all the books, and videos and talk we can get, that expresses, and publishes far and wide, any methods that we can come up with, to get out from under the oppressive Big Government that is rebelling against us all.

NOTE: If you really and truly think that you want zero Government, then you are one of the following:
1. A would-be conqueror attempting throw the current big Gov down so that you can take over;
2. Naive or worse for thinking that you want to live close to other people without some form of limited Government in place;
3. A person with the kind of mental disorder that causes him/her to want to live alone like a hermit or a recluse;
4. Someone who hasn't really thought it over thoroughly.

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