Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy: Anarchism

I'm ba-a-a-a-ck! (Podolsky travels the road to Acapulco)

OK. Here I am in Acapulco, having left the states on Nov. 7. On the way I stopped at a "ranch" near Tepic for a visit with "Rattlesnake" Breedon who is intent on helping the Huichoca Indians create a local organic food industry independently of big agro-businesses. It's a very interesting project that has caught the attention of Acapulco's first Octologue, which could be instrumental in realizing the project's purpose.

Meanwhile, here in Acapulco (two days drive south of the ranch), Michael Nimetz has led the way in the formation of the Octologue that is spearheading what promises to be an unparalleled cultural revolution as the city of Acapulco begins benefiting from the new organizational paradigm that we are introducing locally. To this end Michael and his group have amassed a powerful array of talented people who are committed to the application of ethical principles in their everyday lives. This is a rare and important step toward the achievement of worldwide peace, prosperity and freedom.

Some of you have wondered all your adult lives how worldwide peace could be achieved. We in the first Acapulco Octologue have found what we have every reason to believe is the answer to this conundrum. when you recognize the solution to this ages-old problem, you can begin applying the solution immediately with extraordinary results. I'm sure you've heard of Anarchapulco...the annual winter event that Jeff Berwick hosts for Anarcho-Capitalists.

Well for those of us in the new Octologue Anarchapulco is ongoing...24/7/365. We are living the dream! You can too. Just figuratively hit the Road to Acapulco...intellectually, emotionally, and physically. What you've always wanted is happening here. ALL ABOARD!!!!!!