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2022-10-23 16:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
If we got rid of the Federal Government medical agencies, and let each State handle its own medicine, would we see more success than we did with the Covid pandemic.
2022-10-20 15:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
But Biden, his son, and some Dem leaders and bankers are making a load of money off this skirmish, just like there were those who made a load off Viet Nam.
2022-10-20 15:32
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Entered by: PureTrust
Some rights can't be yielded. But if there are those that can, file a revocation of signature off all documents, regarding those (or all) rights with your local and state government recording offices. Also, post an ad in your local or state business newspaper for two months. Keep copies, and use them with anybody who attempts to take your rights. If they won't stop and return your property, invoice them. When they don't pay, take them to court. Have about 30 buddies of yours file into the courtroom with you, just to observe. If anybody - the judge - breaks the law, get a number of these guys to form a Constitutional Grand Jury, and indict the judge. It will take having some buddies who know the law a little, but it will be worth it in the long run.
2022-10-20 12:44
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is one major happening that overbalances anything that Jones might have done, both in court and out of it. And there is one major reason for it. This happening is that the court is using a completely wrong methodology, so that they can rule, and so that they can make money. --- If I hurt somebody, the person has a grievance against me, not with or against a bunch of attorneys. If you sign up with an attorney to represent you, simple law in CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM shows that you have just given yourself up to the court, and to what ever outcome they decide. If you win, you really win because the court lets you so that it doesn't become known that you gave up when you signed up with your attorney. --- You can find the right way to do it, it is somewhat hidden, and takes a bit of common sense as well as a bit of study. It won't be easy, but try understanding Karl Lents and the others at
2022-10-18 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Laws are good. But it is the Regulations that express what is to be done to people who break the law. If you suggest that someone is breaking the law, so what? If there aren't any regulations written to tell law enforcement what to do to uphold a law, and if there aren't any penalties listed for breaking the particular law, crooks can get away with all kinds of things. Check for the regulations that back the law up before you go about making a new law that says the same thing as the old law.
2022-10-18 09:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
I don't know where the law is that says that police are not legally required to 'help' anyone. But it's there. It's an old law on the books somewhere. Since police are not required already, and since they are really supposed to be 'peace officers', what's the big deal about this? Get rid of them, at least as they are in their current 'policy operations' status. Then, strap on your guns and protect yourself until you can organize a form of police that is legal and does its work right.
2022-10-18 09:37
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Entered by: PureTrust
When government takes you to court, and the judge asks who your legal representation is, IF you state that you have no representation because you are present, and MAINTAIN this position throughout the trial, the State must accuse you without representation as well. Since the State can't get on the stand and accuse you, there is no accuser. If representation had been allowed, all kinds of people could get on the stand representing the State. Without representation, there is no accuser who can get on the stand and speak his case into the record. The attorney/prosecutor can't do it except if he is witness to the actual "crime." Case law for this - even though it is seldom used - is Trinsey v. Pagliaro -
2022-10-18 07:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ernie, best wishes to you and Marc in your efforts to wake people up. Thanks to both of you for your hard work.
2022-10-16 14:29
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
Thanks for the interest in this listening option. Buuuut, Google began requiring changes that would expose users data and usage and we were not willing to participate. Many options for privacy and "Publicsee" (anti-censorship) have been developed and we are regularly deploying our abilities. Stay tuned please. Peace, Ernie
2022-10-16 09:54
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Entered by: PureTrust
Time to find faith in God. Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." If we are not healed when we ask, many people say that it was simply not God's will. But if it wasn't God's will, then how could Jesus say it in the first place? Time to focus on what faith really is, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
2022-10-16 09:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
If people really wanted to make sure that a candidate for any office was going to work for them, they would figure out a way to make the platform the candidate runs on, to be a contract with the people, with penalties if the contract is not fulfilled. In the case of the US President, or a State governor, the penalty could be execution for not fulfilling the contract as started in the platform.
2022-10-16 09:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
How long is it going to take for people to realize that there are two major parts to the government of the US? There is the Constitutional government part, which includes the Constitution and the Amendments and aspects of the court cases. And the other government, which is stronger, is the common law government, headed up by the jury. --- How do we know this is true? Read Amendments 6 and 7. These Amendments actually state that jury rulings are IT. There is nothing that can overrule a jury ruling. The closest we can come is to somehow have grounds to state that the whole case was not done according to law or due process, and is null and void because of this. Then the case has to be done over.
2022-10-16 06:22
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Entered by: Larry Stuler
"No constitutional right exists under the Ninth Amendment, or to any other provision of the Constitution of the United States, 'to trust the Federal Government and rely on the integrity of its pronouncements.'" - MAPCO, Inc. v. Carter (1978, Em Ct App) 573 F.2d 1268, cert den 437 US 904, 57 L.Ed 2d 1134, 98 S.Ct. 3090. Em Ct App is the Emergency Court of Appeals
2022-10-15 12:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
Fire the attorneys, and when asked by the court for a payment schedule that is handle-able, state a dollar a day. Do this in person, not represented by anybody, even himself. When asked for an itemized list of property so the court can see, state, 4th Amendment; private property; private information. "We have my word that you can go on. I can't afford any more than a dollar a day. But if I happen to get a little extra from somewhere now and again, I will consider additional, one-time amounts." If the judge insists, sue her for breaking her Oath of Office; not upholding the 4th Amendment. Sue her to the tune of a couple $billion.
2022-10-13 06:03
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Entered by: PureTrust
Thanks, Donna and Ernie, for allowing this article. It's about time that we see the other side of the story clearly. The American people don't want war. We are having a difficult enough time just surviving day to day. The war is being made by the aggression of some of the people who have forced their way into the US government and the banking system. What Putin said totally makes sense. Russia isn't pushing its way into our area of the world. But we, through the CIA and breaking promises, are pushing ourselves into the Russian part of the world.
2022-10-12 22:32
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Since when is Freedom's Phoenix posting pro-war propaganda as if it where "uncovering the secrets and exposing the lies"?
2022-10-09 10:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
Until we find out who REALLY runs Boston Dynamics. Lol.
2022-10-09 10:02
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Entered by: PureTrust
One way to fix America is to get the people to read the bullet points of a podcast, and to not watch the podcast at all. Why? The watchers of a podcast are often distracted by the looks and voices of the actors in the podcast. --- Another way is to do MAGA with a second meaning: Make America Godly Again. --- A third is for Christians to stop serving money rather than God. How are Christians serving money rather than God? By paying off their bank loans twice plus interest. Pay the loans off once, so that the money from the second payoff (and interest) can go to support godly outreach. To clarify what I am talking about, see and think deeply about my comment at:
2022-10-09 09:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
A better question is, "Does America have a mind?" And another is, "What is meant by 'America'?" The title of this article, "Is America Losing Its Mind?," almost sounds like someone is trying to turn Americans into zombies that all have the same thinking. --- America is made up of all kinds of people with all kinds of views and thoughts, most of which are at least slightly different, but often very different. US leaders often do things personally that have little to do with their government office as directed by Constitution and law. Yet they make believe that they are doing what they do with governmental authority. Such is breaking of their Oath of Office, and it is about time for average people to invoke the courts against he man or woman in office when they do something against their Oath.
2022-10-09 07:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
Does the US really have that much power in the world? Congress seems to think that the conquering of Russia's is a done deal. So they aren't afraid to drive other countries towards Russian fellowship? Does Congress really think that a bunch of talk like the US is SUPREME is going to make the US supreme? But if the US is that powerful, where really is freedom? Do the American people really have freedom from the US government?
2022-10-06 15:46
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Entered by: PureTrust
Now we see how the Ukraine war is simply a distraction to take people's eyes off Big Pharma.
2022-10-06 08:37
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Entered by: PureTrust
All the blab about bank problems has to do with one basic thing. Too many Big Corporations and attorneys have found out about what I talk about in the comments section here >>> They are 'blackmailing' the banks over it, and that's the reason why we have things like Quantum Easing (QE) where the money goes mostly to big corporations and governments. Bank people are simply 'buying' their freedom from the people who have found out legal stuff about the banking industry. Part of the 'buying their freedom' has to do with the credit that the Fed has given to governments to 'create' money anytime they want, for almost anything they want, including wars (the war of stealing the wealth of the US people and Ukraine, etc.). Wouldn't you like that kind of power? Check my comment in the Web address listed above. And get to the site listed there.
2022-10-06 07:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
Actually, it's time to realize where money in the US and Europe comes from. The Fed gave notice in their 'pamphlets' entitled "Modern Money Mechanics" and "Two Faces of Debt." They gave notice - even if it is clouded by complexity of writing - that when you get a loan, your signed promissory note is private money that you traded for public money with the loan officer. Some parts of the UCC back this up. Since you traded money for money when you got your loan, you actually prepaid your loan. The loan is done, if you followed the rest of the terms for paying off your loan early. The banks treat it this way. Then, you spend the next up-to-30-years giving the bank principle an interest as a gift, simply because you never read the notices that the banks gave thru the two pamphlets, above, and never realized that you prepaid your loan with the promissory note. Search on "Tom Schauf, bank freedom" -
2022-10-03 13:34
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COS has been taken over by the left. They already have legislation written to impose gun control. This was written by Mark Meckler COS organization. A COS Article V Convention will give us something that we do not want. Glen Beck has just come out against COS. 'He did support this at one time. Exposing the real agenda behind the push for an Article V Convention Mark Meckler's COS Board Member has drafted a new Constitution which imposes gun control STOP A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION What An Article V Convention Might Mean
2022-09-29 19:44
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Entered by: Ed Senior III
Thank You Donna, God bless You and Ernie. The King indeed has one move move. Much love to ya’ll and your family.
2022-09-27 23:35
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Entered by: Chip Saunders
Don't call it voting when it isn't. Fraud is fraud is fraud.
2022-09-26 08:13
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
So...Twitter / who actually references the Newswires anymore?
2022-09-25 11:17
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Entered by: chris gill
why would People Eating Tasty Animals would even suggest this?
2022-09-24 15:52
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Entered by: Mark Uzick
Here's my take on this topic:
2022-09-23 14:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
Thanks to all the patriots helping to push it along, without really showing any good answers to the problem.