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2023-01-21 08:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
I read the disclaimer first. Then I checked all over the house, in the garage, in my car, and even in my pockets. I finally came to the conclusion that I don't have a doctor. Does this mean that I can't read the rest of the article?
2023-01-21 07:01
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Entered by: Anonymous
many excellent points. The concluding hypothesis about China, while possible, is less likely since they still use diplomacy. The U.S. is the provocator both in Ukraine as well as Taiwan. It seems an escalation in Ukraine by Nato is much more likely and already happening... De-dollarization by BRICS and more will destroy the U.S. ability to sell debt to keep fighting wars without the economy to support it, which has been happening by many trillions. Look for continued escalation and agression by U.S. unless a miraculous return to sanity and diplomacy.
2023-01-20 10:27
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Entered by: PureTrust
Let's face it. If we stopped using fossil fuels, we would really be supporting the natural fossil-fuel-industry. What is that industry? It's getting more fossil fuels into the ground in the form of plant and animal decay. I mean, those fossil fuels must be down there for some reason. Obviously we haven't figured out what for. So, lets keep pumping them down there naturally. Maybe future generations will figure out what they are there for.
2023-01-20 10:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Somebody needs to develop a methane catcher that could strap to the rear ends of cows, especially milk cows. Think of all the free, clean driving we could do.
2023-01-20 08:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
The 4 Secrets of the Legal Industry? - Most judgments are not merely voidable, but are in fact VOID JUDGMENTS. They can be vacated; made to go away (Although, it is an uphill battle, much like pushing a rope or herding cats). Rarely has any authenticated evidence, competent fact witness, or even a claim been put before a court and on the record. More... -
2023-01-20 08:27
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Entered by: PureTrust
It's not that laws or the making of them are illegal or unconstitutional. It's when they are applied to people incorrectly that they become unconstitutional. --- It's not that applying laws to people who accept them for themselves is unlawful or unconstitutional. --- The thing that is unlawful and unconstitutional is deluding people into the the false understanding that the laws always apply to them (the people), and that the laws are always constitutional and legal in such application.
2023-01-18 10:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
Sometimes the Yandex search engine makes things easier. --- Downloads the PDF of the agreement - or
2023-01-17 16:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
The answer is simple. Whatever moneys are set to be spent on government whatever, triple the number, and spread two-thirds of the final number evenly among American citizens, illegals not included.
2023-01-16 02:47
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Entered by: Anonymous
On a lighter note. In a cemetery somewhere, the following inscription appears on a lonely gravestone: "Where thou art now, so once was I. Where I am now, soon thou shall be. Prepare for death and follow me." Someone left a note on the grave: "To follow thee, I am not content, unless I know which way thee went."
2023-01-16 02:46
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Entered by: Anonymous
On a lighter note. In a cemetery somewhere, the following inscription appears on a lonely gravestone: "Where thou art now, so once was I. Where I am now, soon thou shall be. Prepare for death and follow me." Someone left a note on the grave: "To follow thee, I am not content, unless I know which way thee went."
2023-01-15 10:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
The FED absolutely CAN print more money when they need to. But if they print just a little too much of it, inflation will grow, cash will be watered down, and ultimately the whole USD money system will fail. And, if they print it, why not see to it that the US government hands it out to the American public, so that people can prepare for the demise of their currency? Of course, all but a few of the people are too dumb to do this.
2023-01-14 15:42
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Entered by: PureTrust
Yes, but. Once Russia wins the war, they can build another pipeline, and go back to getting their gas from Russia.
2023-01-14 14:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
That's placebo effect for you. Good placebo effect happens a lot of the time when people get well because of positively induced thinking. But bad placebo effect happens when people believer their doctor when he tells them that they are sick, even when they don't have any systems. Innocent government leaders believe the WHO who tells them that their people are sick, even when there aren't any (many) symptoms among the people. Of course, the payoff helps them believe. --- I went to the eye doctor for a prescription upgrade, because I could tell I needed it. But I stay away from doctors. I have enough people telling me negative things in my life without them.
2023-01-14 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Most viruses and viral materials that are exhaled from a person, are exhaled inside of droplets of moisture that the masks often stop. However, stopping some of the viruses this way isn't a certain thing, because many droplets are small enough to go thru masks just like viruses do. In addition, these and other "bugs" that remain in the mask, are often inhaled back into the person, after growing in multitude, thereby affecting him adversely. In addition, the masks themselves often give off toxic substances from their material makeup. Take your pick. Masks aren't any kind of an ideal protection, either in or out.
2023-01-14 09:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
This whole thing is a cover-up. Why? Where does government get money from? It borrows from the private Federal Reserve Bank. IRS taxes are simply the payment that people make on loans the government makes. The amount of IRS taxes determines the amount of money the government can borrow from the FED safely. --- If there were no FED, the US Treasury could print money on its own schedule, based on the inflation it would make. And people could simply sue government people if inflation became unbearable. There would be no need for income tax, which is currently only legal because of our inadvertent agreements with government, the banking system, and the IRS... like the Form W-4.
2023-01-14 09:04
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Entered by: PureTrust
I feel like I would like to be healthy enough to live longer in good health. The scary part is that the Revelation says in one spot, "During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."
2023-01-14 08:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
Saint Paul says in one place that we died to the law. He explains in another place that the law is for law breakers. Since we have been forgiven by Jesus, we are under grace. The ideals of faith and love live in us through the Spirit. We walk in love, only using the law when we are a bit uncertain as to which direction love is leading us, or if an action is really a love action and not just a feeling.
2023-01-14 08:03
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Entered by: PureTrust
Isn't our government a "Government of the People, by the People, and for the People?" Where does that saying come from? John Wycliffe wrote in the prologue to his translation of the Bible, “The Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.” When government people disobey their Oaths of Office, the rest of us government need to be filing tons of lawsuits, claims of injury, with compensation demanded. After all, in the US, we be the government.
2023-01-13 14:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
"ch*led" isn't an abbreviation for "child." The person who posted the video on tik-tok might know what it means. The speaker in the video looks quite genuine. I wonder who he is.
2023-01-13 07:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
The major problem is that average Christian believers aren't doing enough evangelizing, but are simply living off the gifts of God. --- The second problem is that we are serving money above God. How? When we pay off our bank loans 2 to 4 times, thereby giving the banks something that they don't deserve... that they use to go and make trouble around the world. --- The promissory note you sign when you get a loan is a negotiable instrument, just like a check or money order. When you give it to the bank, you are giving the bank money. In return they give you money in the form of cash or a bank check. So, when will you get back your payments over the years that you use to supposedly pay off your loan, which you paid off already with the promissory note? --- Check into it. Double-speak out there.
2023-01-11 23:01
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Number one, who is this guy? I don't recognize him by sight. Number two, nothing on here says CHILD trafficking. It says HUMAN trafficking, which could be illegal aliens.
2023-01-11 15:37
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
SEARCH the-top-10-highest-flying-birds-in-the-world/ Some birds can achieve 37,000 feet (big soaring birds) Cranes fly so high they even fly over the Himalayas. The common crane can hit over 30,000 feet and has flown across the Himalayas. Also known as the Eurasian crane, the bird's seen in Northern parts of Asia and Europe.
2023-01-10 08:27
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Entered by: ppmSilver
Really?!! A declaration of independence posted on the google docs enslavement platform? Is this some kind of a sick joke? I much prefer which is on an entirely free platform.
2023-01-08 09:41
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Entered by: PureTrust
I believe that the people at are the original (and maybe best) for today's PMA. Watch "Outside of Government Reach PMA - Private Membership Association - Karl Dahlstrom ProAdvocate Group" >
2023-01-08 09:30
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Entered by: PureTrust
Note that blockchain methods are advantageous in several ways. One way is that some States limit PMAs to a certain maximum number of members. But all States maintain the minimum number of members as being 'two members'. Blockchain could be used to make any two members to have exactly the same kind of PMA as any other two members, without that they be members of the same PMA as any other two. This would allow a member to hold membership in millions of PMAs, which were all the same, thereby bringing back to the people the idea of being Kings and Queens over their own property (lives). Blockchain would also allow certifiable and verifiable, basic PMA adherence rules to be written once, and to be adopted by millions. They would make copies for verification and certification, of course. Development needed.
2023-01-08 09:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
Regarding the below request: Go to the FP Archives > Search by Keyword, and in the Google search box search on "Private Membership Association." Two links are here and here There is at least one more.
2023-01-07 18:16
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
That's an interesting take Ed. Does Ernie have any episodes covering PMAs?
2023-01-07 18:04
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Entered by: PureTrust
Consider the freedom offered by the 9th Amendment here and here Then check out Private Membership Associations (PMA) here Then form a PMA using blockchain technology to make loads of PMAs that all have the same ideology. The memberships are a form of privacy that can treat its members as a State, without the formal federal or state governments having anything to say about it. Since PMAs are written, the courts have already decided in privacy's favor for well over 100 years.
2023-01-07 09:37
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Entered by: Anonymous
Google is one of the worst players in the digital surveillance and artificial intelligence arena's which I feel most of us realize is the enemy. Why would you choose to use google play services that track every click and word typed to be used against you? Why not choose an option that doesn't use this predatory service? I have a laptop and a cell phone that do not use google services of any kind. I cannot use your app because it is not compatible.
2023-01-06 09:51
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Entered by: ppmSilver
I have many patents and understand them quite well, while hating them all the same. Nobody can own an idea. The patent system has done more to retard the advancement of human technology than anything else. If not for its tyrannical limitations imposed upon individual human action, we would all already have flying cars. This project is as most should be, open source sharing of everything, the only other just option being secrecy.