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2022-09-22 04:54
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Entered by: kissmail0301
2022-09-22 04:41
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Entered by: kissmail0301
2022-09-22 02:34
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Entered by: Anonymous
The shortage on Adderall has left many people who are in need devastated this is an issue that has been going on for many years now . I Came to find out recently that there is a place where you can get genuine Adderall
2022-09-20 22:58
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Uhm, I'm pretty sure this guy is satire
2022-09-20 22:57
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Uhm, I'm pretty sure this guy is satire
2022-09-19 11:10
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Entered by: fliesbonanza
Walmart as well as it's subsidiary Sam's Club and Costco have found that online sales are/have increased and as such store stocking is not as necessary as in the past. This new stance is similar to Amazon.
2022-09-19 11:10
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Entered by: fliesbonanza
Walmart as well as it's subsidiary Sam's Club and Costco have found that online sales are/have increased and as such store stocking is not as necessary as in the past. This new stance is similar to Amazon.
2022-09-18 15:51
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Entered by: PureTrust
None of us knows when we are going to hit, and who is going to hit before whom. That's why we all need Jesus salvation, so that if it is today, we have it. You need a religion section in your website. Or did I miss it?
2022-09-13 05:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
This article is a nice starting point for contract training. One of the major points not included is, when somebody (government) says (acts like) there is a contract with a person, and the person DOESN'T REALIZE that government is acting like there is a contract, then what? People need to know to require the contract from the government PEOPLE, in their human status, not in their government status. It's a court thing. Basic rules of court state that there are 4 things that anybody/anybody has to have to make a man-to-man court case: 1) accuser; 2) accused; 3) harm or damage (injury) done to the accuser; 4) witness and proof that the accused did the damage. Depending on the wording of the formal contract between a client and his attorney, the courts can do anything in certain areas. The client has no say except to fire the attorney. AND, regarding some things, government courts don't have any authority to do them. But they often do them, anyway.
2022-09-12 08:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is way too much info about banking to understand the bad side by looking at it. So, I'll make it simple. Almost all new money comes into existence through bank loans. And the point is the final loan paperwork, the promissory note. Does this note have value if it is not signed by the borrower? No, because you can't trade an unsigned note for any money. The bank won't do it. After the note is signed, it has value that allows it to be traded for money. Since the value of the note is traded for the money, the note actually prepays the loan. The loan is paid off before it is received. It is essentially a creation of new money that you and the bank have done together. All that's left is how to fight the bankers if they come after you for more money (loan payments), AND to use simple processes to clean up your bad credit that results. Search on "Tom Schauf, bank freedom" -
2022-09-12 07:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
When are people going to realize that articles that talk about hopelessness and death, seldom get to the basics. The basics are that death is programmed into the system of life. If nobody ever fought against anybody else, but rather, everybody worked together peacefully, people might live a little longer, but they still die. --- The only way to handle this situation - since we don't know how to stop death - is to spiritually learn to love the Almighty One Who is over us all. He gave us life in the first place because He wants us to live. We die because of our own despair and wickedness. Life has been returned to us through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God, who took the results of our imperfection with Himself on the cross. Like as He was raised to life after the cross, even so we can look forward to a joyful resurrection with Him in Heaven.
2022-09-10 10:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
Calling this "America's Immigration Death Machine " is utterly wrong. Why? The insinuation when "America" is said, is that this means the United States. Nobody is forcing anybody up over the border, illegally or otherwise. If the people in Mexico don't do their due diligence, it's their own fault. There are plenty of former Mexicans in the USA who will be willing to tell Mexico Mexicans how difficult it is. If anybody thinks he can do it and tries, don't blame the US if he fails.
2022-09-09 17:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
This is good. There are a couple of reasons why: 1) Maybe Trump will be President again by the time they get done working all this over; 2) Remember how OJ Simpson got off the first time? He went free because there wasn't any chain of proof that the evidence wasn't tampered with. In other words, the evidence against OJ was stored in such a way that some outside person could have contaminated it. If we get enough people handling the Trump docs, sooner or later they're going to leave some docs lying around without a chain of proof as to who handled the docs. The question will be, are these really the Trump docs?
2022-09-07 13:08
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Entered by: Anonymous
Yes, where is the rest of the book? It gets cut off on page 7.
2022-09-06 21:47
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Entered by: Anonymous
How can you discuss central bankers while ignoring that they are all Jewish? Central Banks ares are the central tenant of Communism, which is also Jewish. Mr. Rosenberg seems to ignore the elephant in the room. Democracy worked quite fine before the press became monopolized by Jews.
2022-09-06 20:34
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
This gets into some really sketchy moral issues.
2022-09-06 13:33
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
I don't know man, seems pretty funny to me.
2022-09-06 13:20
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
The READ FULL STORY link hits a pay wall. Read the entire story here on the wayback machine.
2022-09-05 15:26
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
There is also a dicrease in the number of people who have to work all day just to feed their families. The plant closing is just natural portion of capitalism.
2022-09-04 23:51
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Entered by: chanvova
The software is good to use, I am very satisfied
2022-09-04 23:49
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Entered by: chanvova
The software is good to use, [url=]dordle[/url] I am very satisfied
2022-09-02 14:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
From >>> "Parts of his speech are word for word quotes from Hitler. The irony of doing a speech about others destroying our republic while you literally quote Hitler is beyond shocking. If this was from a movie I would have thought it was too unbelievable. No way could you find people to actually support this idiocy is what I’d think. You can’t make this stuff up."
2022-09-02 13:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
That probably wasn't a patriot with a bullhorn. Rather, it was more than likely a Biden compatriot. How can we tell? Biden had an immediate response to the bullhorn. Knowing his mental state, we can all see that he couldn't have made such a rapid response except that he had been coached that it was going to happen ahead of time. The bullhorn was just another cue that he was supposed to respond to in a certain way. And he responded well.
2022-09-02 12:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
You can't simply shut down the IRS like you would some other government agency. Why not? Because they are partly a private industry. IRS taxes are voluntary. The basic legality for the IRS tax is found in the Contract Clause in the US Constitution. The pertinent part is, "No State shall enter into any ... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts... ." The point is, that for the IRS to have authority, somebody has to have signed a document or form that indicates a relationship with the IRS. All such signing is voluntary, even if it is done under threat or duress. For most people who are young, maybe on their first job, IRS Form W-4 is where they come under the IRS. For those going to court against the IRS, signing up with an attorney makes a person a ward of the court, and liable for whatever decisions the court makes.
2022-08-29 19:31
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
For once Ford is doing something right
2022-08-29 19:29
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
"$5,000,000,000 paid by the federal government to Pfizer so far for vaccines" this is the real crime. And it gets lost debating all the antivaxx stuff. The government does way too much awful stuff in front of our face to worry about what they might be hiding from us. Liberals would normally be screaming about this, but because so many conservatives are just against it altogether, they have to be for it and no one is complaining about how mucg stolen money Pfizer is rolling in.
2022-08-23 22:23
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Entered by: Mic
The ugly truth is; that after 6 months of no power, power will never be restored. The Chaos, the lack of food and clean water, the rioting and general Anarchy, the rampant disease and deaths, will disperse the qualified personnel and destroy or otherwise stop the replacement equipment from arriving, so that the project of restoration can never be finished. After Katrina, the street gangs were said to have attacked police and rescue teams and cleanup personnel, as they preferred the chaos. It allowed them to operate freely without government control. This would create a similar result, but on a National scale. These types of things are not considered or planned for, by the people who say it might take a year to fix, they would be right under normal circumstances but not under these circumstances.
2022-08-17 07:42
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Entered by: PureTrust
The big problems didn't start until women got the vote.
2022-08-15 20:10
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
First guy I ever voted for in a general election. Our unlike victor, and a lover of life. Let us pray for the repose of his soul.
2022-08-15 20:08
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
First guy I ever voted for in a general election. Our unlike victor, and a lover of life. Let us pray for the repose of his soul.