Article Image by Michael Knowles

There are few things worse than being called "intolerant" or "closed-minded." Who wants to be that? Isn't it far better to be open to everything, dismissive of nothing? Well, not necessarily. Michael Knowles explains.

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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

A better question is, "Does America have a mind?" And another is, "What is meant by 'America'?" The title of this article, "Is America Losing Its Mind?," almost sounds like someone is trying to turn Americans into zombies that all have the same thinking. --- America is made up of all kinds of people with all kinds of views and thoughts, most of which are at least slightly different, but often very different. US leaders often do things personally that have little to do with their government office as directed by Constitution and law. Yet they make believe that they are doing what they do with governmental authority. Such is breaking of their Oath of Office, and it is about time for average people to invoke the courts against he man or woman in office when they do something against their Oath.

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