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Big Pharma

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

The corrupt public health officials in the Western world, who are shills for Big Pharma as they share in the profits of the drugs that they approve, are about to inflict on humanity a worst castrophe than the Covid vaccine.

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Russell Brand -

A bombshell new report suggests multiple issues around quality control were kept hidden from the FDA at the plant of a longtime government contractor hired to produce hundreds of millions of coronavirus vaccine doses #Johnson&Johnson #Vaccines #Covid

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It would be very foolish to dismiss Pfizer as simply incompetent, bumbling or merely corrupt. What is emerging is a picture of a company colluding with others in the total takeover of all genetic material on earth, including yours. ? TN Editor

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Russell Brand -

A new investigation reports that Anthony Fauci and the NIH received and hid $350 million of royalties from pharma companies.

Article Image by Steve Kirsch

Check out this Twitter thread from Jikkyleaks. The enrollment described seems too ideal to be true. If this is fraud, Pfizer is liable for all deaths and injuries caused by their vaccine.

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Russell Brand -

As Pfizer continues to make record profits at the start of the year - are we allowed to critique and criticise Big Pharma yet… or does that still make you an anti-vax conspiracy theorist?

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Russell Brand -

Elon Musk's latest Twitter controversy has seen him slammed for saying the antidepressant Wellbutrin should be taken off the market, whilst lauding the effectiveness of psychedelics. So, is Musk now taking on Big Pharma?