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IPFS News Link • Crime

Pfizer and CDC Withheld Data, Leading to Harm and Death to Thousands

• - Alexandra Bruce

It's been shown that Pfizer and the CDC committed fraud when they willfully withheld critical data from the public, resulting in harm and death to thousands from the injections.

What's going on here is criminal. For the people close to the data who said nothing, there will be legal consequences. They will either be witnesses or defendants.

The FDA and the CDC had to be sued to release the data on a biological product that every person is being asked, if not forced to take. This should make everyone very concerned.

DoD data shows clear increase in disease after injection and reports a 73% of the COVID deaths in both high income and middle-high income nations (that could afford vaxx) occurred AFTER vaxx was released. In a pandemic, the most deaths should occur at the beginning, before treatment is available. However, the COVID vaxxines failed to improve health, which was apparently by design.

Dr Malone reacted to the latest Pfizer data dump, telling The New American's Veronika Kyrylenko, "In my opinion, withholding scientific data constitutes fraud. This is scientific fraud, in my opinion.