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Big Pharma

Article Image by Jeff Berwick

First, let me say that today's walk n' talk has some real jaw-dropping stuff… And I do not use the term lightly… Mostly related to our favorite Dr. Evil the poster child for Faucism…the man himself… Anthony "It's-Complicated" Fr

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The Burning Platform

So they are basing the renewed panic porn on cases generated from a test the FDA just announced was being pulled from the market because it drastically overestimates cases of Covid. I got it. Makes total sense.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Pfizer and Moderna have both made clear that they see their COVID vaccination businesses as long-term profit drivers, not the public service that enabled them to receive billions of dollars in public money to effectively subsidize their development.

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative. The next time you hear Big Pharma's propagandists say "believe the science," ask them what science.

Article Image by daniel horowitz

Sixteen months into this virus, our government has nothing to offer us in terms of treatment in the hospital but remdesivir at $3,100 a dose and zero treatment options at the critical early stage, when serious complications can be pre-empted.

Article Image by daniel horowitz

Sixteen months into this virus, our government has nothing to offer us in terms of treatment in the hospital but remdesivir at $3,100 a dose and zero treatment options at the critical early stage, when serious complications can be pre-empted.

Home Grown Food