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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yemen is not going as promised. After weeks of US and UK bombing, the Red Sea is still effectively off-limits to US and UK shipping and to all shipping to and from Israel. Yemen's Houthis announced the policy in protest of Israel's slaughter in Gaza.

Article Image, by Daniel McAdams

The breaking news that Ansar Allah (Houthi) fighters have fired on the USS Carney in the Red Sea today (Friday, 26 Jan.) underscores the shocking failure of the Biden Administration, which initiated airstrikes on the Houthis this month with no plan f

Article Image, By Edward Curtin

You have to hand it to the U.S. and its henchmen for brazenness. In order to protect their client state Israel and its genocide in Gaza, the U.S., together with the UK, have in one week launched air and sea attacks on the Houthis in Yemen five times

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would "de-escalate
