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IPFS News Link • Ron Paul Says...

Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen

• Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would "de-escalate" tensions in the Red Sea.

Taking the US to war without a Congressional declaration of war is a grave crime against the Constitution. Not only did Biden show no interest in coming to Congress for a war declaration, he didn't even ask for authorization. Together with Washington's reliable junior partner in war, the UK, Biden attacked Yemen. It seems the US Administration consulted more with the UK government than with the US Congress on the attacks.

But that's not really the worst part. Far from taking action against this illegal move by an out-of-control president, Congress as a body couldn't even see fit to criticize the Administration. On the contrary, Congressional leadership in both bodies actually applauded President Biden for brazenly violating US law!

House Speaker Mike Johnson not only praised the illegal move, he urged the President to go further and confront Iran. He said, "This action by U.S. and British forces is long overdue, and we must hope these operations indicate a true shift in the Biden Administration's approach to Iran and its proxies that are engaging in such evil and wreaking such havoc."