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Central Banks/Banking

Article Image by Eric

The "Federal" Reserve – in the usual air-finger-quotes, to emphasize the maliciously disingenuous verbiage, the "Fed" being a conglomeration of private banks that controls the federal government and so, practically everything else, via the

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The Central Bank US senator and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren made waves on Friday when she announced proposals to break up big tech

Article Image by Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff and @PaulBarronNetwork discuss the effects of the banking crisis on investments as well as a possible impending doom for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Article Image by Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff and @PaulBarronNetwork discuss the effects of the banking crisis on investments as well as a possible impending doom for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

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The Credit Crisis has started. Bloomberg is reporting that Banks stopped lending in the wake of the SVB Banking Crisis. With loans declining by $105 Billion at the end of March.