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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

The Illusion of Choice


Good or will it just give an illusion of choice? It could theoretically lead to a totally regionalised internet.
What about breaking up the above companies?

Is this a populist vote electioneering or do we have actual monopolies that are stifling competition? Close to home we can look at the old Telecom Eireann where people waited months for a landline connection and you rented the handset forever. Ireland has a problem with the beef trade where calves are selling for 50 cents at the local marts.

You image below is mainly food based, I don't think I'm stuck for choice when in the supermarket but I do think we have Aldi and Lidl to thank for taming prices.
There are dozens of free email providers, Google have been storing all my files and photos for over a decade for free, Amazon pitch competing retailers together for me to peruse from my keyboard.

I would prefer to look at high frequency trading, an activity that produces absolutely nothing of real value, enriches a privileged few and consumes valuable infrastructure. The waste of human capital in this debacle is pretty bad as well, the world might be a better place if these people were directed at real problems and it is administratively simple to stop - put a stamp of 1 cent on each trade. 1

In the United States in 2009, high-frequency trading firms represented 2% of the approximately 20,000 firms operating today, but accounted for 73% of all equity orders volume.
