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Business/ Commerce

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Article Image by Eric

An unprecedented thing is happening – and it isn't the attempt to inject every healthy American with "medicine" (sic) their health doesn't require.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

The Keystone XL pipeline project's owner, TC Energy, said on Wednesday that it has terminated the controversial pipeline project that would have served as a lifeline to Canadian oilsands producers looking for more takeaway capacity.

Article Image by Eric

Convenience stores are about . . . convenience. People go there chiefly in order to get out of there, quickly.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

For most of my career, oil demand has grown each year and supply has roughly kept up. Sure, it's overshot in both directions. We've seen shortages and we've seen gluts.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

In March, the Small Business Administration gave a $234,548 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) "loan" to George Soros's East-West Management Institute (EWMI).