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Business/ Commerce

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Article Image by Rogan OHandley

You hear lots of dire predictions these days -- the planet is burning, the seas are rising, and so on. But what is the real purpose of all this doom and gloom? Is it to protect the environment? Or is there a different motive? Rogan O'Handley, aka D

Article Image

"Resolve to serve no more and you are at once free." from 16th Century essay by Etienne de la Boetie, On Voluntary Servitude

Article Image, By eric

There is a video making the rounds of a self-described desperate restaurant owner in California being confronted by several armed government workers who appeared because the restaurant owner out of desperation and to make a point had used his

Article Image, Lulu Yilun Chen and Coco Liu

China kicked off an investigation into alleged monopolistic practices at Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and summoned affiliate Ant Group Co. to a high-level meeting over financial regulations, escalating scrutiny over the twin pillars of billionaire Jac

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